Patient care
We aim to exceed your expectations with all aspects of your care
We know that visiting a heart clinic can be a stressful time for many people, but you can be assured that our warm, friendly and experienced staff will take every step possible to ensure you feel comfortable, relaxed and well informed at every step of your journey with us.
We encourage you to ask as many questions as you like, and to let us know if you are feeling overly anxious or concerned. We are here to provide you with the care and support that you need.

Delivering care and support
Our team is committed to providing you with the best possible care and support that’s tailored to your needs.
We’ll also ensure that your personal dignity, safety and privacy is respected and protected at all times.
Any treatment will take place only with your consent following discussion, explanation and disclosure of risks. All information contained in medical records is kept confidential.
Monitoring patient satisfaction
We conduct patient satisfaction surveys to ensure our care and services meet and, where possible, exceed your expectations.
Our survey results tell us our patients are impressed with the warmth, knowledge and attention they receive from our skilled and caring team.
All patients are made to feel welcome, reassured and supported at every stage of their journey through our clinic, from our reception staff through to our nurses and medical specialists.

Increasing patient safety
Many patients attend Sutherland Heart Clinic for diagnostic procedures, which involve scans and x-rays.
Our clinic is well known for its efforts to minimise the level of radiation transmitted to patients, working closely with companies such as GE Healthcare and Philips Healthcare to optimise machine settings.
As a consequence, our patients receive a much lower dose of radiation than the average machine worldwide.